We are proud to introduce our new platform, Benchmark, a hub for those who push boundaries and demand excellence in every stride and every pedal.
We are two dedicated athletes who have turned our passion into purpose. That’s why we created Benchmark, a platform grounded in the belief that your gear shapes your performance. Our mission is to connect and build a community that shares our drive and deliver products that enable performance that is known. We’re dedicated to motivating, equipping, and celebrating those working towards their best, whether by foot or pedal.
At our core lies a simple truth: your gear, your journey. We believe that the right gear fuels greatness and enables performance that is known — the level of performance that leaves a mark and inspires others.
Benchmark is more than a website ; it’s a community of passionate individuals and leading brands united by a shared commitment to adventure, progress, and performance.
Together, we celebrate the pursuit of goals, the drive to improve, and the connection between unmatched gear and success."